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Welcome to Reception

Our Reception Team consists of:

Hepworth Class - Mrs Jessica Wise, Early Years Lead & Mrs Chloe Rehle & Mrs Danielle Tasher

Van Gogh Class - Miss Emma Valentine, Class Teacher & Mrs Stacey Summers & Miss Jess Love

Kandinsky Class - Mrs Claire Coleman & Mrs Kelly Spina, Class Teachers & Mrs Ina Iaciofano & Miss Donna Welch

Our HLTA is Mrs Sharon Burrows

Welcome Back!

It was lovely to welcome back the Reception children this week and to hear all about their half term break. They came into the classes full of enthusiasm, refreshed for the exciting new term ahead. 

In our RE session we listened to 'Auld Lang Syne' and talked about how this is song traditionally sung to bid farewell to the past year and welcome the new year. We spoke about how a New Year brings about opportunities to think about things we would like to achieve or get better at over the coming year.

The children had some wonderful ideas:

"I want to make my little brother happy."

"I want to get better at cooking with my Daddy."   

"I want to get better at tidying up!"

"I want to ride my bike without stabilsers." 

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In our atelier we have been busy developing our fine motor skills learning to thread a needle and create seed stitches. The children demonstrated great resilence and really enjoyed learning this new skill.

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Our Drawing Club text this week was 'Where the Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak. Inspired by the narrative the children worked together in the outdoor area to design and make vehicles for the main character Max to travel into the 'Wild Things' forest. They had some very creative ideas!

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Whilst in the atelier the children sculpted their own 'Wild Things' beasts in clay where they further developed their fine motor skills, manipulating the clay to make details such as horns and spikes. It was great to see the children's imaginations 'sparked' as they brought their ideas to life!

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Reception Curriculum

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Recent Comments

What a super experience! I'm sure that there are some budding officers amongst you! Mrs White :-)...
Jasmine enjoyed doing the assembly ☺
Yummy xx looks like they had a great day
A fantastic video! Well done reception for being super sporty stars:-)??
Wow what fantastic creations! Well done everyone

Helping at Home

Coming Soon!