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Sun Safety


Bridgewater Primary School

In the summer or periods of hot weather, it is important to make sure that your child is being sun safe. We recommend the following safety measures:

Sun lotion/ screen

  • Please apply sun lotion at home before school.
  • Choose a broad-band sunscreen for maximum protection. Look for the 5-star rating when buying your sunscreen. 5-star products provide the best-balanced protection against all UV rays. Use at least factor 30+ sunscreen.
  • Think of applying sunscreen like painting a wall with a textured surface, where two coats are almost always required for satisfactory coverage. In the same way, two “coats of sunscreen” may be required for adequate protection.
  • Please choose a brand that lasts for 24 hrs, is water resistant and is appropriate for your child’s skin type. Lots of the brands of sunscreen have special baby or toddler products, which are much gentler on the skin.
  • Don’t forget shoulders, ears, nose and cheeks and tops of feet.
  • Please remember to apply waterproof sunscreen when your child is attending a swimming lesson or may be engaged with water play at school. 
  • In the majority of cases applying sunscreen once pre-school will be sufficient to avoid sun burn, but if your child is prone to sun burn, you can send sunscreen into school. Staff will support children who need to, to ‘top up’ during the day, but they will be expected to put the sun cream on themselves.
  • Please teach your child how to apply sun cream themselves with particular attention to the face (avoiding their eyes).
  • Only in exceptional circumstances of medical need, dermatological conditions or physical needs, will sunscreen be applied by an adult who is not a family member. This will be reviewed on an individual basis.
  • Sun lotion must be named and cannot be shared between children.


Other protection

  • Please provide your child with a sunhat to wear at school.
  • Sun hats with wide brims or covered necks, such as the legionnaire’s style, are most effective.
  • Be ensure all hats are named.


Please also remember to send in a named water bottle for your child to keep in the classroom.

Water fountains are available, but to keep children hydrated in hot weather a water bottle is the most effective.


Please make sure your child is wearing sensible shoes or sandals for school. Flip-flops can be a trip hazard and are not part of our school uniform.

At school

At school we will limit activities outside at the hottest parts of the day and children will be encouraged to drink regularly, wear their hats and have breaks in the shade.

If you have any concerns, please contact your class teacher in the first instance. They will be able to discuss your child’s needs and then signpost you to further support should this be needed.

We look forward to working with you to keep the children safe in the sun, whilst enjoying the opportunities that the summer weather brings!