At Bridgewater Primary School we want all of our children to thrive. In order to be successful, and for the children to access the quality education that they are entitled to, regular attendance is essential. Pupils must attend school regularly and on time for the start of the school day if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them by law.
- We aim to work in partnership with parents to support good attendance. The Education Act 2011 clearly states that the prime responsibility of parents/carers is to ensure that their children attend school regularly. We aim to work in partnership with pupils, parents, staff and the outside agencies, where appropriate, so that all pupils realise their potential, unhindered by unnecessary absence.
- We provide a positive and welcoming atmosphere in which pupils feel safe, secure, and valued and encourage in pupils a sense of their own responsibility to attend school.
- We ensure that our policy applies to children starting in the EYFS in order to promote good habits at an early age.
- We aim to establish a pattern of monitoring attendance and ensure consistency in recognising achievement and dealing with difficulties. Any attendance or punctuality concerns will be raised with the Office Manager and Parent Link Worker in the first instance, who will liaise directly with the Senior Attendance Champion, the Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership Team.
All pupils are expected to achieve an attendance target of above 96% and to aim for 100%. Children who are persistently late or absent soon fall behind with their learning and may develop large gaps in their learning; this impacts upon their progress and their ability to meet age related learning expectations.
A child ending the year at 90% attendance means that the child misses on average:
- One half day every week
- Nearly four weeks every school year
- Over one school year in a school career
Below 90% is classed as ‘persistent’ absence.
We will always aim to maintain effective means of communication with parents, pupils, staff and governors on school attendance matters and support pupils and families who have been experiencing any difficulties at home or at school which are preventing good attendance.
Any term time holidays will not be authorised in line with the New National Framework for Penalty Notices and West Northamptonshire County Council policy.
Please contact the school office and ask for Mrs Julie Breakwell, Office Manager, or Mrs Sophie McNair, Senior Attendance Champion, in the first instance if we can help.
You can find our Attendance policy in the ‘Key Policies’ section.