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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Our Year One Team consists of:

Kusama Class - Mrs Tamzin Copeman, KS1 Phase Lead & Miss Katie Arnold & Mrs Elizabeth Bedford

Goldsworthy Class - Mrs Susannah Hollingsworth, Class Teacher & Ms Anne Quinn & Mrs Mustafaraj

Ringgold Class - Miss Mohima Bibi, Class Teacher & Miss Amy Knapp & Mrs Martha Ejioye

Our HLTA is Miss Cheryl Gill



Tennis Taster

On Friday Northampton Tennis Coaching came and gave us a tennis taster session. We learnt how balalnce a ball on our tennis racket, bounce a ball, and the standing position as we hit the ball over the net. Thank you. Tennis 1

Tennis 3Tennis 2

Tennis 4

Year 1 Curriculum

Blog Guidance

Recent Comments

Year One, I am very impressed with your colourful art work in the style of Andy Warhol. I was impr...
It's wonderful to see you all enjoying your PE lessons and focusing on keeping fit and healthy! Keep...
It looks like you've all had a fantastically, energetic week! Well done to all of you, Mrs White...
This looks like a wonderful learning experience! Brilliant Year 1, Mrs White :-)
William loved explaining how boats float.

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