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In Reception, we cultivate a love of learning for life. Our curriculum is planned to provide balanced and relevant experiences for each individual child. We are passionate about outdoor learning and problem solving. It is important that our children feel safe to be risk takers as they approach their learning during the day.

Our teachers encourage us to challenge ourselves once we have built confidence in newly taught skills. We are then encouraged to use these skills in our free play to extend and consolidate our learning.

Each week we have new 'Rainbow Challenges,' with activities we need to complete independently. They support our physical development, phonics, writing and mathematical development. Our progress and work is recorded in a number of ways such as in our writing books, ‘Our Learning Journey’ scrap book and ‘Seesaw’.

Early Years is extremely busy and fantastic fun. Keep up to date with us by following our blog.

The Reception team is

  • R Hepworth – Mrs Wise, Mrs Summers and Miss Love
  • R Van Gogh – Miss Valentine and Mrs Quinn
  • R Kandinsky – Mrs Coleman, Mrs Spina and Miss Mills

We are lucky to be supported by our HLTA, Miss Gill.

Our P.E day is Friday morning. May we remind you to ensure that all your child’s kit is clearly labelled.

Please make sure that you bring your library book to school each Friday to be changed.


Exploring the Swale...

This week the children in Reception have spent sometime exploring the schools very own swale area. There was a lot of excitement as we entered the swale gates and used our senses to explore the environment. Sometime was spent walking around the walkway noticing the different flowers, plants and trees that were growing. We identified an ash, willow and silver birch tree and even spotted a self seeded horse chestnut tree beginning to grow! There was a lot of talk about the different textures and shapes of the leaves and grasses that we discovered.


We loved spending time on the viewing platform over the water and spotted reeds, lily pads and iris flowering. Some of us were also thilled to spot a blue dragonfly, butterfly with white and orange tipped wings and a lilac moth!


We continued our journey around the swale and recalled phrases from the stories we have been learning in class when we went trip, trapping over the bridge and through the swishy swashy grass!



We collected some of the textured grasses and foliage on our journey and decided to create our very own nature paintbrushes. We enjoyed twisting and wrapping to attach the grasses to our twigs.


We are looking forward to using these next week to paint in the outdoor area to explore the marks that the different textures make. Some of us started to explore this, this week... it is great fun and good for our upper body physical development!


It was fabulous to be in the great outdoors... we certainly experienced all the joys of the British weather with the sun and the rain and this all added to the fun! As we settled down to make our paintbrushes we were treated to a visit from the beautiful blackbird who was singing away! Some of us even spotted two wood pigeons playing in the treetops and even had a very special visit from a beautiful red breasted robin who came to see what we were upto!


Finally we ended our session with some texture rubbings under the canopy of the trees!


We had a fabulous time and cannot wait to visit the swale area again!







Reception Curriculum

Blog Guidance

Recent Comments

What a super experience! I'm sure that there are some budding officers amongst you! Mrs White :-)...
Jasmine enjoyed doing the assembly ☺
Yummy xx looks like they had a great day
A fantastic video! Well done reception for being super sporty stars:-)??
Wow what fantastic creations! Well done everyone

Helping at Home

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