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Spanish Day

As part of our 'Spaniah Day' the language ambassadors were fabulous and engaged the children in some fun games whilst teaching them some Spanish vocabulary. At the end of the day Mrs Torres Espinola kindly came to share her experiences of growing up in Mexico. She showed us the Mexican flag, where Mexico is on a map of the world and explained that we already knew some Spanish words without even knowing... Llama, pasta and pinata! We enjoyed looking at photographs and hearing what it was like to go to school in Mexico. We loved having a go at learning to sing 'Incy Wincy Spider' in Spanish as well! Thank you so much for coming to talk to us!




Reception Curriculum

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Recent Comments

What a super experience! I'm sure that there are some budding officers amongst you! Mrs White :-)...
Jasmine enjoyed doing the assembly ☺
Yummy xx looks like they had a great day
A fantastic video! Well done reception for being super sporty stars:-)??
Wow what fantastic creations! Well done everyone

Helping at Home

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