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Come Dine With Me!

This term in DT, Year 6 have been researching and planning their own 3 course meal. We have explored flavours that work well together and those that don't.  

Children got into groups of 6, and in pairs designed a course each in a 'Come Dine with Me' style. They added in their own special ingredients. 

Starter: Stuffed Peppers 

Mains: Chicken (or veggie) stir fry 

Dessert: Apple Crumble. 


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Year 6 Curriculum

Blog Guidance

Recent Comments

Such an interesting discovery Year 6. I will never look at a buttercup the same again! It's so excit...
Have a great time everyone!
Freddie S really enjoyed helping the younger children with the assault course.
We like your wire sculptures.It looks very fascinating!
Well done on your little model

Helping at Home

In Year 6, the children are set two pieces of home learning each week which should be completed in their homework books.  It will be set on a Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday. In addition to this, please continue to support your child with their reading by regularly reading to them, listening to them read and asking them questions about their reading. Please ensure they log it on Boom reader.

Our Year 6 PE lessons are on a Wednesday and Friday so please ensure your child wears their PE kit in school on this day.