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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 September 2024. Our year group comprises of:

  • 4 Cromer - Miss Knight 
  • 4 Fraser - Miss Hodges
  • 4 Milhazes - Mr Green 

We are fortunate to be supported by Miss Poole, Miss Crocker, Mrs Montgomery, Mrs Rose, Miss Linette & Mr Kennedy (HLTA). 

Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Our library slot is Wednesday afternoons. 

You will find our curriculum information further down the page.

Moss Safari

This term, we have been learning about living things and their habitats.


As scientists, we used microscopes to explore moss as a habitat and found some interesting living organisms such as moss mites and rotifers!



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Science Week

For Science week, we set up an experiment to investigate what damages our teeth the most and how we can look after our teeth. As scientist, we made our predictions and carried out observation over time to see the damage caused to the eggshell (teeth) overtime in different liquids and recorded our findings. After a week of careful observations, we used our results to write our conclusion.


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Our visit to Frontier Centre

This half-term Year 4 went on our residential trip to Frontier Centre where we all had a fantastic time in the wonderful sunshine.


We became archers...

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We learnt how to paddle a canoe...
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Some of us even jumped in!
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We reached new heights...
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We learnt when it is safe and how to light a fire...
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We created outdoor dens...
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We worked together as a team to earn lots of 'money' in Outdoor money, where we were given mini tasks which need resilience and teamwork to be successful...
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In between these activities we also had lots of time to play outside, playing an epic game of cricket with the adults, football and rounders too! We watched Ice Age in our pajamas whilst we drank hot chocolate and munched popcorn. 
Well done Year 4, you have all done yourselves proud and shown how responsible, respectful and resilient you are!
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Miss Summers - the Paralympic Champion!

Miss Summers has recently joined us in 4 Milhazes as she completes the final placement of her Teaching degree with us at Bridgewater. Not only is Miss Summers being kept busy with teacher training, but she also swims eight times a week! That's because she is a Paralympic Swimming champion, and is currently training for Paris 2024.


Miss Summers won 2 gold medals at the Tokyo Paralympics and is also the world record holder for the SM6 200m Individual Medley.  


Miss Summers kindly spoke to the children in 4 Milhazes about her career as a Paralympian, and not only did she show them some of her collection of medals, but they were also allowed to hold them. The children also had the opportunity to ask Miss Summers about her career and what it takes to become a Paralympic champion. We found the talk very inspiring and we were reminded to show resilience in not giving up on our goals and ambitions.









Year 4 Curriculum

Blog Guidance

Recent Comments

This looks like an amazing experience. Just amazing! Well done to all involved ?
We had such a wonderful time!
I loved science week it was really intresting.
I enjoyed learning out Abington park
I have enjoyed making canopic jars ?

Helping at Home

As always at home we encourage regular reading and spellings and times tables practise. Home Learning is given out on a Thursday and due in on a Tuesday. Spellings are also given out on a Thursday and tested the following Friday.

Web links

Here are some links to useful websites:  - Times Tables Rockstars – A selection of Maths and English games - A fantastic resource for our theme