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Ancient Egyptians at Abington Park Museum

Autumn Term in Year 4 was an exciting time as the children settled into their new classes and got to know their new teachers.


Our Trip to Abington Park

We went to Abington Park Museum to understand more about how the Ancient Egyptians lived and the ceremony they held after someone died, which was called 'The Opening of The Mouths'. We listened to a Historian as they told us about the ceremony, and were then given parts to play within our re-enactment of the ceremony. We were also able to write our names in Hieroglyphs, using a wooden reed and ink just like the Ancient Egyptian scribes!


Children re-enacting the Ancient Egyptian Opening of the Mouth Ceremony

We each had our own role to play in our re-enactment of the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony.


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We listened to a Historian who told us about life in Ancient Egypt and the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony.

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A child dressed as Anubis - the Ancient Egyptian God of Funeral Rights.

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We worked hard to write our names in Hieroglyphs. We used a wooden reed and ink - which was rather messy!