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Moving to Year 7

At Bridgewater we strive to make the transition from primary school to secondary school as easy as possible. Our aim is that our children feel ready to tackle the new challenges of secondary school and that they, and you, have all the necessary information to make an informed decision about where they will continue their learning journey. 

In the summer term the children will complete a PSHE unit called ‘A Hero's Journey’ that prepares the children for their move to secondary school. We discuss worries, talk about how they can solve any problems they may have and ensure they are ready for their next step in their learning journey. Secondary schools work on a similar project with the children on their transition days to ensure the children feel comfortable in their new surroundings. We also have meetings with Year 7 teachers to ensure that they understand not only your child's academic ability but also to discuss the whole child. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the office or a member of the Year 6 Team.

Please use this weblink to visit the NCC website to find a list of all Northampton Secondary Schools.