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Our Curriculum Information

Together We Learn

Rationale and Intent for Our Curriculum

Bridgewater Primary School aims to provide children with an exciting, ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum that will instil a love of learning for life. The fullness of the curriculum is not just concerned with their subject knowledge, but with all the wider experiences that come together to make the entirety of our curriculum, which has informed our Curriculum Drivers below.



Curriculum Principles

We endeavour to provide all children with an environment in which they can thrive in their learning, develop curiosity and independent learning behaviours, which enables them to actively participate and learn study skills now and for their future. We encourage them to show these high expectations of themselves through questioning, discussion and through the learning evident in their books. We have high aspirations for all our learners and seek to engage them with high quality teaching and engaging content.

We teach each subject discretely, using the National Curriculum, but make interdisciplinary links, where these are meaningful and appropriate.

We provide ongoing, progressive CPD in small stages, allowing us to follow through with our intention of ‘Fewer Things at Greater Depth.’ This helps us to aim for a knowledge and research-based approach, in which teachers can support each other to develop their knowledge and practice.

In line with cognitive science, we plan in opportunities for children to practice and return to their learning, through regular Retrieval Practice. We space the curriculum so that learners have opportunities to make meaningful links within and across the threshold concepts. By designing it in this way, our curriculum aims to support our children to understand and make connections in their learning, so they learn and know more over-time, deepening their understanding, knowledge, and skills in each subject area.

Scaffolding enables all to be able to access their next steps in learning, engage in their lessons and challenge themselves. We place a strong emphasis on the development of oracy skills, as there is compelling evidence of the importance that successful early reading, vocabulary development and articulation links to increased educational attainment.

The curriculum links to our local context and we ensure children understand key information about the area in which they live and learn, for example, our local area, the Shoe Industry, and relevant figures from Northamptonshire.

Knowledge-Rich and Research Based

We are a school that loves to analyse and look at researched evidence, so we can understand and put into practice what works best for our children. We develop our knowledge and understanding from Early Years to Year 6 through three Research Teams, which are:

These teams meet regularly through the school year and formulate action pans which link to the School Development Plan. They are each led by a member of the SLT or ESLT (Extended Senior Leadership Team) and identify and examine relevant research in their subject, linked to the school’s priorities and the assessment data. They work in collaboration with members across the school, so colleagues can trial new practice, refine and improve before implementation in their individual teams, before sharing across the whole school.

The Curriculum Team meets with the whole school teaching team and individually to develop next steps in Subject Leadership and Curriculum delivery.

To ensure all staff are prepared to support learning effectively, support staff attend training, which reflects the same learning as teachers, to ensure consistency and to extend their knowledge and develop their practice.

Personal Development, Attitudes and Learning Behaviour

The curriculum is underpinned by an understanding of the interconnected ways in which children learn and develop, which includes their physical, emotional and social, cultural and moral needs. This includes having the opportunities to develop personally and contribute to the wider life of the school, as well as in lessons.

This is shown by the importance we place on citizenship and the British Values in which we endeavour to support every child to become a valued and contributing member of society in modern Britain and globally.

We aim to provide them with opportunities to learn and understand more about the world around them and show empathy and respect for others through their learning, our PHSE lessons and the importance we place on the school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.

We aim for our children to be reflective and critical thinkers, who can use this knowledge not only to develop their learning, but to apply it to keep themselves safe and increase their understanding of managing risk in a changing online world.

The learners at Bridgewater enjoy meeting together across year groups and after school. Extra-curricular opportunities linked to Art and Design, Computing, Nurture, Music, Sports and PE are available to our learners to provide an enriched experience.

As part of our commitment to being a ‘Healthy School’ we understand the importance of the varying  areas of personal development such as: Mental Health/Attachment, Diversity, Attendance, Anti-Bullying, Behaviour and Nurture, supported by the PSHE and Relationships Curriculum, as well as the British Values.

Ethos and Contribution to the school and wider community

Our approach enables all children to become lifelong learners by developing transferable skills to equip them to become successful future citizens, which starts in the primary phase. We have an active School Council, including our School Prime Minister, voted for by the children, who share their pupil voice. Additionally, we value the contributions of our Subject Ambassadors, Eco Council, Year 6 Ambassadors, Reading Champions, Play Leaders, and Buddy systems to the life of the school.

Children understand their place and responsibility for their community and the wider world through PSHE and looking at ways they can contribute to benefit others. Several successful projects have seen our children link across generations, support the Homeless in the area and understand the needs of others in the wider world.

Equal Opportunities/SEND

We are an inclusive learning community, in which everyone is valued as an individual and supported to progress. We aim to engage and challenge learners to make progress in their learning, which is scaffolded to meet their needs. Where some children need their curriculum delivered in a different way, we endeavour to ensure that this remains exciting, relevant, and focused on the development of independent learning skills, closing gaps and growing confidence.

We welcome and value the diversity within our school community and teach children about the value and richness this brings to our community.


Children are assessed throughout the year to check they are making expected or better than expected progress. This is through a mixture of formative and summative assessment best suited to the subject. Where gaps are found, there is a mixture of in-class support, timely and focused intervention, pre-and over-learning to address missed learning.

Using these principles, we aim for every child to make good progress, develop a love of learning, and show the values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience, both within school and in the wider community.

Year Group Curriculum Details

Click a Year Group button to view further Curriculum Information or alternatively for specific subject information click the relevant tab on the right hand side of this screen. Should you the have any further questions, please contact your child's Year Group Leader in the first instance. The Year Group Leader is indicated in our staff list. For any further information, please contact Frances Troop (Curriculum Lead & Deputy Head Teacher) via the School Office.