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Vicious Vikings


Vicious Vikings



This term year 3 will be learning about the Vikings and the impact they had on Britain. To start the term off we had a day of Viking activities in order to learn about who they were and how they lived. The day consisted of 3 activities: Viking writing using runes, weaving and Viking games.






Amongst many things, the Vikings were remembered for using looms. We were very lucky in the fact that we had some looms of our own to use and create our own materials. Year 3 have learnt how to set up a loom and then weave thread through it.


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Year 3 learnt the Viking alphabet writing in runes. They were given Viking codes to encrypt and then created their own messages to send to their friends.


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Viking Games


The Vikings were very competitive and we had the chance to get involved in some healthy competition playing traditional Viking games such as 9 Men’s Morris which quickly became very popular among the year group.

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