Accessibility Tools

Phonics and spelling help

Follow the links for clarification of the pronunciation of pure sounds.

Children should be searching for these sounds when reading, thinking of the sounds when writing and using the corresponding grapheme (letters that make sounds) to support their spelling choices.

For digraphs (two letters one sound) click here. Diagraphs

For spilt diagraphs (long vowel sounds that are the actual letter name for example a_e is pronounced as an A.) click here.Split Diagraphs

For trigraphs (three letters, one sound) click here.Trigraphs

A lot of children need to recap the spelling rules learned this year especially adding a suffix (ed, ing, ful and ness etc). There is a link on the right hand side to a spelling game to help support you with this.


Have a lovely half term and look out for our next post...Number lines.