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Apple experiment!

Last week, Year 1 were thrilled to learn we would be conducting a science experiment! We were exploring which liquid would help apples from turning brown.We discussed what an experiment was and how was can make predictions. The children explored what a fair test and how we could make our experiment fair. 


To make our experiment fair, we made sure to put the same amount of drops of liquid onto the apples using a pipette. The children throughougly enjoyed sucking up the liquid with the pipettes! We then had to leave the apples to develop over night. 


After a long days wait, we were able to observe what had happened! We noticed that some apples were much browner than the others, especially the apples with vinegar on. Each child had a look at the apples and we concluded that the lemon juice and the tonic water were the best for keeping the apples fresh! We then discussed why this happened - the citric acid! We explained that the skin of an apple is very important. Although oxygen is great for humans, it makes the apple go brown when we cut through the skin. Therefore, the citric acid in lemon juice and tonic water help to protect the apple from the oxygen. 


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