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Bridgewater e-News - 09 Dec 2022



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Saturday, 27 July 2024


Dear Parents 

Christmas Presents 

We want to reassure you that there is no expectation that families bring in Christmas gifts for staff as we are mindful of the challenges that we all face with rising costs and the energy crisis; it is entirely your choice.  Some of the loveliest gifts that I’ve received over the years have been special homemade cards and pictures.  

Reception Nativity 

All the children looked super in their costumes for the Reception Nativity which was delightful.  The children told the story with clarity and joyful singing, thanks to the experience and support of all the staff and yourselves at home.   

Year 1 Christingle 

This was very special as it was the first time that Year 1 had gone to the church of St Peter and St Paul for their Christingle.  It was beautiful as the candles were lit, the lights dimmed, and the children stood and sang sweetly.  Thank you again to the staff and parents who supported the children and of course to Father Jun and Reverend Tracey who made us feel so welcome.  

Year 2 Christmas Performance 

Well, this was a very stylish performance of ‘Prickly Hay’.  The clarity of the acting and singing was fantastic, and the children gave their all.  Thank you to the Year 2 team and parents supporting with costumes and practising, for all your endeavours as it really paid off.   

Persistent Absence and Lateness 

We need to improve the persistent absence and punctuality with a few families – do your best not to be late next Wednesday as a special treat will start at 9am on the dot.   

Next term we will be monitoring and supporting families with regular lateness and persistent absence.  Please be aware that we do not authorise holidays during term time, as this goes through to the Local Authority who follow up, with the possible outcome being a significant fine.  

Responsible Parking 

Please think about the potential impact of parking irresponsibly, especially across our local residents driveways because a lady in Trinity Road tried to squeeze off her drive and bumped her car this week.   Thank you to the vast majority who do park with care and consideration. 

Creating a Reading Habit at Christmas 

Try and create a little reading habit this Christmas.  If it’s tricky with your child, try 5 minutes a day, where they get your full attention with all devices and distractions switched off.  It may be that you have a bookworm who reads all the time, or they are probably somewhere in between.  See if the children can read a variety of genres e.g., non-fiction, poetry, novels etc. Involve all your visiting relatives, young and old.   Thank you to our ‘Friends’ who are happy to continue supporting us with buying exciting texts for the classes.  

Christmas Fair 

Your attendance at the Christmas Fair allows the ‘Friends’ to purchase lots of lovely things for the school, like the books.  We had a huge turnout for Santa, the stalls, all the class games … and it was the year for enticing Christmas themed cakes! The Friends led by Leena, once again, have worked so

hard and we send them a massive thank you from all the children and staff.   

Christmas Jumper Day 

The children and staff looked fab-u-lous in their sparkly Christmas jumpers today.  Don’t forget to donate online via ParentMail to support ‘Save the Children’ or donate a gift to support local young adults who will experience a different festive season to us. These gifts will be delivered by Jeanette Walsh otherwise known as Mother Christmas.

Bridgewater Christmas Dinner

Our annual Christmas Dinner is on Thursday 15th December. Meals can be booked on ParentMail with various festive options available. To help us with ordering please can we ask you to book by Sunday 11th December.

Have a great weekend 

Alison Harvey 

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Address: Bridgewater Dr, Northampton NN3 3AF, United Kingdom, Phone:+44 1604 637056