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Bridgewater e-News - 31 Jan 2025



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Sunday, 16 February 2025


Dear Parents

Online Safety Assembly

Well done to the Computing Ambassadors who led the whole school assembly this week sharing important points from the Child Friendly Online Safety Policy, which can be found on the website.

In the Online Safety Newsletter, you will find the following information and support:

  • Should children have mobile phones?   
  • Managing your child's device
  • Snapchat overview
  • The risks of messaging online  
  • Netflix's Squid Game  (15+)

Reading Café

Thank you to Mrs McNair, Miss Valentine and Mr Green, our reading leaders for running the reading café for some Year 1 children this term. It is lovely to see the children enjoying sharing books with their families. 

Mental Health Week

Next week Mental Health will be a focus, and I look forward to reporting back what the children have been learning

Anti-Bullying Display

The children have all contributed to a beautiful anti-bullying display in the long corridor. The theme was, ‘Service’ this year and it represents the children making connections and working in service with each other. The children worked with their twinned class and in pairs wove an interesting pattern to contribute to the whole school display. There should be 330 patterns! Thank you to Mrs Redden, Anti-Bullying Leader and Mrs Copeman and Miss Arnold who compiled the whole artwork.

Rocks and Fossils

It was lovely to listen to Harry in Year 5 who is very knowledgeable about his passion for rocks and fossils. He brought some citrine and sharks teeth in to share which was fascinating. Thank you.


Can we request that parents don’t choose to smoke right near the school gates, thank you.


Can everyone have a check for headlice in all age groups this weekend please. Tea tree shampoo and conditioner alongside a special comb can be very effective if you find any unexpected visitors!

Nursery Wish us a Happy Chinese Lunar New Year

This afternoon we all experienced the joy of the Nursery Chinese dragon which they paraded all around the school to the beat of Percy’s drum and a range of percussion. See Facebook for pictures as it put a smile on everybody’s face and cheered us up on a drizzly afternoon. Well done Mrs Gilkes and the team – a special moment ?

Have a lovely weekend

Alison Harvey


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