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Bridgewater e-News - 24 Jan 2025



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Sunday, 16 February 2025


Dear Parents

Brew Monday

This was a lovely community event where everyone enjoyed their brew and didn’t feel blue! The Year 6 ambassadors were very persuasive at encouraging people to stop, then they ran the creche and tidied up afterwards – fantastic! Thank you to Gemma and the Friends for putting a smile on our faces by providing the brew, biscuits and cakes. We also raised some funds for the Samaritans who had the fabulous idea.

Cross Country

A big well done to Everly and Zoe who took part in the cross-country at Abington Park last weekend.  They ran brilliantly in muddy conditions with Everly coming 4th and Zoe came in 19th out of nearly 60 Under 11 girls.

Appropriate Behaviour

Please be mindful outside the school grounds of dealing with conflict between adults appropriately in front of children. Thank you to the vast majority who are excellent role models.

Use of the School Toilets

We have noticed an increase in parents and carers using the staff toilets at pick-up times. As the school is a secure area with children still on site, all adults have to be escorted and we do not have the capacity to facilitate this. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Year 4 Clay

Mrs Copeman, Art Leader, Miss Knight and the team are very impressed with the Year 4 Henry Moore inspired clay sculptures. I agree that the levels of skill are improving all the time and they show that the children have listened well and taken a lot of care. It’s special to see 90 unique clay models, beautifully sculpted drying out in the STEM room and waiting to be fired.

Have a lovely weekend

Alison Harvey


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