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Bridgewater e-News - 6 Dec 2024



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Thursday, 16 January 2025


Dear Parents

Poetry Together

As part of the ‘Poetry Together’, project organised by Mrs Coleman some Year 4, 5 and 6 children wrote their own poems about friendship and performed them to the residents of St Christopher’s care home. They enjoyed sharing squash and cakes with residents after, one of whom had been moved to tears by the thoughtful poems. It is so important to build the connections between generations.

Y1 Christingle

The Year 1 Christingle was absolutely beautiful. The children spoke up and projected their voices sharing the Christmas story and explaining the meaning of the Christingle. It was lovely that Reverend Jun brought to our attention the most important part of the Christingle which was of course, the children. Well done, Mrs Copeman and the Year 1 team on creating such a special Christingle.

Carols on the Green … in the hall!

Carols on the Green was swiftly redirected to the hall as the weather became unpredictable! Miss Hodges organised the choir and musicians, including Mr Lagdon and Miss Poole. It was a lovely, festive, community gathering, and we all enjoyed singing together around the Christmas tree decorated by our Out of School club. Thank you to Geraldine (Isabella’s Grandma) who had knitted some little surprise Christmas characters and left them secretly on the tree. What a lovely thought.

Reverend Tracy

We welcomed Reverend Tracy this week to a Christingle and to lead assemblies across the school which the children listened to intently.

Message from Mrs G Douglas:

On Thursday 12th December 2024, we will be having a Christmas Jumper Day. This year, in exchange for wearing festive attire, we are asking for donations of toys, make-up, gift vouchers, toiletries and socks – all of which must be brand new and unused.

These donations will be delivered to vulnerable families, children and young adults by Mother Christmas and her team of helpers in conjunction with Northamptonshire Children’s Trust.

Important message

Can all adults at pick up and drop off be mindful of their words and language around site. Can we all always be respectful and polite and ensure inappropriate things are not said in front of children or about the children as well as other adults. Thank you to the vast majority who are always friendly and kind.

Thank you, staff

The staff enjoyed a special coffee and cake van this week as a thank you for their wonderful efforts over the years which culminated in a very successful visit from Ofsted. We are lucky to have such a dedicated team, committed to consistently doing their best for the children and families of Bridgewater.

Second Hand Uniform & Toy Sale

The Friends will host a second-hand uniform and toy sale in the main hall on Tuesday, December 10th, after school.

Thank you

Finally, a very big thank you to our Friends who volunteer and organised a wonderful Christmas Fair for us last Friday. We had a great time visiting the stalls in the hall, playing games and partaking of the refreshments, and of course meeting the real Santa Claus who greeted the children warmly alongside his little office elf. It was magical but also, they raised nearly £3000 for our children and if you add in the Christmas Cards and Christmas wreath making it comes to £5000 this term! Wow!

Have a lovely weekend

Alison Harvey

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Address: Bridgewater Dr, Northampton NN3 3AF, United Kingdom, Phone:+44 1604 637056