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Bridgewater e-News - 10 May 2024



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Saturday, 27 July 2024


Dear Parents 

Year 4 Residential at the Frontier Centre 

Year 4 have had glorious weather this week for their exciting adventure to the Frontier Centre. They have had a fabulous time taking part in canoeing, archery, rock climbing, fire lighting, den building as well as making their own beds! They have had fun sharing rooms with their friends, they have eaten well and slept well.  They have been great team players showing kindness and generosity supporting their friends to achieve new challenges and have been a pleasure to take away. 

The residential is a memorable experience in the life of a child in Bridgewater where they overcome challenges and develop confidence, independence and resilience for the future.  

Well done to the Year 4’s who worked alongside Year 3 this week and were baking biscuits and making slime with Mrs Montgomery this morning! 

Governor Drop In  

Next Monday 13th May between 15.00 -15.45 pm, Simon Mitchell and Marta Shamsuddin will be outside the school providing you with an opportunity to share any views with them in their roles as school governors.  

Rugby Saints 

Today the Saints Rugby coaches are in school teaching tag rugby to children in Year 2, 3, 5 & 6. The children are listening well and working off a lot of energy whilst learning new skills and tactics.  


Meanwhile Year 1 and Year 2 are working with Enrich Education learning how to orienteer around a demarked course.  They had to listen hard to be able to find clues to complete a chart.  

Year 3 Athletics Competition

Well done to our team of Year 3 children who took park in an Athletics competition at Moulton this week. The children had a fantastic time developing their skills and are waiting to hear the final results of the competition.

A Couple of Dates 

Pencil in the date of the Northampton Town Carnival on 8th June  where you will see Bridgewater in their decorated float as part of the carnival procession.  It is always a spectacle and Bridgewater have done very well in previous years. We will be raising money for the Northampton Health Charity who are raising funds towards a children’s playground.  

Then we have the Summer Fair on 6th July organised by our fabulous Friends. We had a good turnout for the AGM recently with several new friendly faces offering a range of skills and more support for the team.  We are delighted to say that Gemma Crooke has been elected to the position of Chair again.  The Friends would still be very grateful for extra support leading up to and on the day of the Fair.  

Year 6 SATs 

Make sure Year 6 eat well, sleep well and have a great weekend.  We look forward to seeing them for breakfast in the staff room at 8.30am ready to do their best.  

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Alison Harvey


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