Dear Parents
It’s been a lovely week back after half term with the children focussed and enjoying their learning.
Year 2 were making some intricate clay dragon eye sculptures in the ‘Creation Station’ (formally known as the STEM room) this morning. I’ll tweet some pictures with progress so far and then when they have been glazed and fired in the kiln. We are so fortunate that Mrs Copeman, Art Lead, is inspiring staff and developing ceramics across the school as part of the vision for developing confident young artists.
Artsmark Gold Award!
We were thrilled to receive the Artsmark Gold Award. Thank you to Mrs Copeman and all of the Bridgewater team for gaining this award. It really highlights how much work and commitment has been made by all in the school to the Arts curriculum.
We are delighted to inform you that your setting has been awarded an Artsmark Gold Award. Congratulations!
Your strong skill-based curriculum is informed by regular consultations using strategies that provide space for pupil voice. This provides you with evidence that children are learning with confidence during lessons, in particular art and music lessons. Your teachers perceive that creative tasks and activities have had a positive impact on the children’s wellbeing. The school's purchase of a kiln and the interest in ceramics has been a new area you have explored.
Inclusion Coffee Morning
Miss Ottaway has settled into the Parent Link Worker role swiftly and is looking forward to meeting parents alongside Ms Bayes, another member of our Inclusion Team, at the Inclusion Coffee Morning on Monday morning. Everyone is welcome to pop by between 9am -9.45am.
World Book Day
You have a last chance to get your shoes or shoe boxes ready for World Book Day next Thursday. I can’t wait to see your creations this year and find out about the books that have inspired you. We look forward to reading with our twin classes and in Key Stage 1 we will be reading with some of our local residents. Thank you to Jasmyn, from Weston Favell Library, who came into school to do an assembly for all the children on Wednesday.
Happy St David’s Day
Happy St David’s Day to our Welsh families and thank you to Gwenllian in Miss Valentines class for coming into school in her Welsh national dress and teaching all the children to count to 10! There are daffodils all around the school at the moment!
Have a lovely weekend.
Alison Harvey