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Bridgewater e-News - 16 Feb 2024



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Sunday, 16 February 2025


Dear Parents 

Spring Term 1 Overview 

Thank you … 

  • Mrs Atlas, for our new sheds and play equipment for climbing and balancing (KS1) and an active wall (KS2) from ‘The Friends’ to develop our speedy reactions. 
  • Rushden Academy for a slick performance with key messages coming through to keep our children safe online.             
  • Mrs Copeman for inspiring our ceramic creations across the year groups fired in our bright shiny new kiln – the work looks very professional.   
  • Mrs Hallett, for an exciting lunch time Science Club in the Creation Station (STEM room) for KS1.  They have loved it and learnt so much. 
  • Miss Knight and Miss Holmes, for organising Number Day with all our activities and problems to solve.
  • Reading Team, Miss Valentine and Mrs McNair and our Reading Ambassadors for the Reading Cafe, Book Swap and of course The Bridgewater Bookworms Newsletter. You have inspired a lot of us to read more and discover new books.
  • Heather and team for our delicious community family breakfasts, - we love a watermelon smile to start the day or a bacon sandwich.
  • Fossils Galore Museum, for lending us a woolly mammoth tusk. We were amazed that woolly mammoths roamed near us in the Ice Age 28,000 years ago! 
  • To all the staff, governors and families for continued hard work, support and commitment which makes Bridgewater a lovely community to learn in … Together We Learn!

I can't wait for next term! 

Staff Changes 

At the end of this term, we are saying goodbye and best wishes to Mrs Ashby.  She has worked with us for many years and has been integral in supporting and nurturing our children and families. She has been a bright friendly face for the children and always has the right words of support and encouragement to help them feel positive about themselves.  She has welcomed the children into breakfast, managed processes for safeguarding as well as sign posting families to appropriate support. We wish her well as she moves on to support older children in a local secondary school. 

Mrs Dempsey is leaving us after supporting classes and children one to one as well as using her expert knowledge and understanding in working with children to improve their speech, language and communication skills. She too will be missed as she moves on to expand her role in another local school.  

We are delighted that Mr Wilson is joining the team at Bridgewater permanently.  He has a wealth of experience, a wonderful rapport with the children and the team and engages the children skilfully to aim high in all that they do.

Archery Competition 

Some children from Year 5 and 6 tried a new skill this week and took part in an archery competition. They worked very well as a team and became more accurate as the competition progressed. Well done everyone. 

The Girls Year 1 & 2 Football Team 

Well done to the girls that took part in the Year 1 & 2 Football competition at the Benham this morning. They had been looking forward to participating in the competition all week and loved taking part, finishing in 4th place.


Over half term when you get a moment have a look at the blogs on the website which share a fascinating window into what’s been going on in your child’s year group and school.  

Online Safety Checks 

Please take the opportunity to check the children’s devices and have a chat to them about how to keep themselves safe online this half term.  Mrs Redden sends out the Online Safety magazine each month with helpful tips for parents and it is always worthwhile to listen to Simon Aston’s (Online safety and mental wellbeing officer for Northamptonshire) messages on YouTube. Hopefully they will be able to get outside and have fun with families and friends in some spring sunshine.  

Have a great half term.  

Alison Harvey


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