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Bridgewater e-News - 05 Jan 2024



Bridgewater e-News

Date : Saturday, 27 July 2024


Dear Parents 

Happy New Year and welcome back to Bridgewater 2024; the children have settled back well. We have been working hard on reviewing our approach to behaviour and would like to share these important updates with you at the start of the new year.  

We have the updated the Behaviour Policy in collaboration with governors which you can find on the school website Behaviour Policy (6).pdf . We were trialling it before Christmas and the community has adapted to it very well. The overriding approach remains based on Restorative Practice, but we have adjusted the five school rules as follows: 

  1. Follow the instructions of trusted adults.
  2. Kind hands and feet.
  3. Kind words and actions.
  4. Treat other how you would like to be treated.
  5. Show integrity and make expected choices.

Alongside this we have six stages (consequences) to address any behaviour that does not meet the school rules and values as follows: 

  1. First warning is a reminder of rules and expectations.
  2. Second warning is a further reminder of the rules and expectations.
  3. Third Occurrence Time out in a partner class and spoken to by a year group leader – at this point the child writes a commitment slip to improve their choices and parents will be informed.
  4. Continuing unexpected behaviour or a sudden serious behaviour. The child takes their commitment slip or writes one if the behaviour is sudden or unexpected to a Phase Leader; Mrs Wise, Mrs Copeman or Mrs Redden.
  5. Continuing unexpected behaviour, sudden, serious or unsafe behaviour. Spoken to by Head teacher or Deputy and the child will phone parents/carers to explain. 
  6. On rare occasions if the behaviour is serious or unsafe it is possible that there would be a suspension or exclusion.

The children were introduced to this in an assembly last term, and we are clear and consistent across the community.   

I am pleased to say that the children display excellent behaviour, and it is very rare that a child would move beyond Stage Two.  We always seek to work in partnership with families and support the children to make good choices to prepare them for the future and life outside school.  As you can see this is a robust, fair and consistent approach and we would ask that parents trust school to deal with incidences, to view all sides of a situation and reach a fair decision that is reasonable and proportionate considering the circumstances. We ensure that support is in place for the children making unexpected choices and those children affected by them.  Some situations can be emotional for parents and that is why I ask you to respect school staff and move through the hierarchy appropriately from class teacher to year group leaders, phase leaders, senior leaders and Head teacher as outlined in the policy on the website.  

Mrs Spatcher and the School Council have been involved and here are some of their mature responses to the new Behaviour Policy and system: 

“The school rules include our school values.” 

“The rules help us think about our thoughts and feelings to make the right choices.” 

“The rules help us feel safe because we know what’s expected.” 

“The stages are a good way to remind us to make a better choice.” 

“The stages can be used by everyone, everywhere.” 

“Our parents can help us reflect.” 

As you can see the children are enthusiastic and committed to maintain excellent behaviour. One recent example of this is the way children are moving smartly around the school having regard to younger children and adults and showing good manners. We are very proud of the way children are demonstrating the school values of: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.   

Have a lovely weekend. 

Alison Harvey


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